In the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency, there are not many Meme concept coins that can eventually stand out. How to choose among different issuance protocols is very important, especially how to choose in the early stage and when to enter the market, which will determine your future investment returns. This article will compare the two hottest projects under the SAT20 and BRC20 protocols: RarePizza and Pizza, and conduct a detailed analysis from multiple aspects such as the number of issuances, Satoshi asset types, and issuance technology.

đŸ”č 1. Issue quantity

- RarePizza: 80,000,000 coins are expected to be issued (still in fair minting, 53,241,071 coins have been minted, and there are about 5 days left)

- Pizza: 21,000,000 pieces issued (already distributed, current market value is about 100 million US dollars)

The number of RarePizza issued is nearly three times that of Pizza, which shows that RarePizza has greater market supply potential in terms of the number of issuances, and can attract more users to participate and expand the community size.

đŸ”č 2. Number of Issues

- RarePizza: 80,000 tickets expected to be issued

- Pizza: 210,000 issued

RarePizza issues SFT, and the number of issues determines the market supply as an NFT collection. A certain degree of scarcity means that the collection has greater room for appreciation.

đŸ”č 3. Satoshi Asset Types

- RarePizza: Each SFT contains 1000 pizzas of rare satoshis

- Pizza: Each pizza contains 546 BRC inscriptions of normal satoshis

RarePizza uses rare Satoshi pizza, each containing 1,000 Satoshi, while Pizza contains only 546 ordinary Satoshi. The scarcity of rare Satoshi makes RarePizza more attractive and has room for appreciation in the market.

đŸ”č 4. Expression

- RarePizza: Two-phase picture-coin, semi-fungible token (SFT), FT, NFT in multiple forms, each with personalized display and can also be used as an avatar.

- Pizza: Fungible Token (FT),

RarePizza has multiple forms of expression, including SFT, FT and NFT, which gives it greater flexibility and application potential. In contrast, Pizza only has a homogeneous token form and lacks diversity.

đŸ”č 5. Issuing Technology

- RarePizza: 1000pizza satoshis per coin, one coin for one satoshi, that is, 1pizza satoshi = 1 rarepizza SFT, guaranteed gold content

- Pizza: 546 Satoshi's common inscription

Each RarePizza asset contains 1,000 satoshis, which guarantees its high gold content and scarcity. Pizza's 546 satoshis are relatively low in value and scarcity.

đŸ”č 6. Distribution method

- RarePizza: 3076 blocks (850282 - 853358) were minted fairly in about 21 days, no insider trading

- Pizza: All airdrops, but the specific airdrop rules are unclear

RarePizza adopts a fair casting method to ensure the transparency and fairness of the distribution process and avoid rat trading. However, the airdrop rules of Pizza are not clear, and there may be unfair distribution problems.

đŸ”č 7. Trading methods

- RarePizza: Based on UTXO, one-time minting and transaction

- Pizza: Based on the BRC20 user ledger, each transaction needs to be recorded, and the fragmented dust satoshis will bring pressure to the BTC main network.

RarePizza is based on the UTXO model, and the transaction process is efficient and completed in one go. However, Pizza requires engraving for each transaction, which increases transaction complexity and cost.

đŸ”č 8. Future potential of Layer 2 networks

- RarePizza: In the future, it will enter L2 based on the lightning network channel (magic modification of BTC network)

- Pizza: Undetermined

RarePizza's future second-layer network potential relies on the Lightning Network + Modified BTC Network, which can provide higher security, scalability and lower transaction fees. In contrast, Pizza's current transactions in the BRC20 market are cumbersome and costly, which cannot be compared with RarePizza.

đŸ”č 9. IP Advantages

- RarePizza: Using the most famous legendary Pizza Satoshi in 2010, when 10,000 Bitcoins were used to buy 2 pizzas, each containing 1,000 Pizza Satoshis

- Pizza: One ordinary satoshi (546) is minted, and only the name Pizza is used.

RarePizza uses the legendary Satoshi from the most famous pizza transaction in Bitcoin history, which gives it unique historical value and cultural significance. In contrast, Pizza only borrows the name of Pizza and lacks a deep historical background.

đŸ”č 10. Playability

-RarePizza: Supports arbitrary split/merged coin display effects, the smallest split can be 1rarepizza, and coins can be presented at the same time, which has high playability and is more in line with Meme attributes.

-Pizza: Text-based FT, no change in split presentation.

đŸ”č 11. Meme Concept

- RarePizza: A true tribute and commemoration of pizza in BTC history, a continuation of Satoshi Nakamoto’s spirit, and a cultural meme of Pizza Day every year.

- Pizza: Borrowing the meme culture of Pizza

RarePizza is not only a tribute to pizza transactions in Bitcoin history, but also an interpretation of the spirit of Pizza Day, which has profound cultural significance. Pizza, on the other hand, is just a borrowing of meme culture and lacks deep connotations.

🚹Through the above comparison, we can see that although Pizza of BRC20 protocol borrows the meme culture of pizza, it is inferior to RarePizza in historical value, technical implementation and user experience. At present, the market value of pizza is almost 100 million US dollars. RarePizza has not yet been minted. I believe everyone has understood whether it is investment opportunity or potential.


🚀 Countdown to RarePizza casting enters 5 days! 🍕

Let’s prepare for the hottest project in the second half of 2024, a project that truly pays tribute to the first IP in the BTC ecosystem - Pizza!

Buy the legendary batch of Satoshis that exchanged 10,000 bitcoins for 2 pizzas in 2010, so that you can own that piece of history and continue the pizza legend.

RarePizza is also the largest and most authentic Pizza project in the BTC ecosystem to date, and the first SFT coin project in BTC history.

Don't miss this opportunity! 🌟


