Dear My lonely #crypto friends

The graph shows the price of AVAX over a period of time. The current price is $9.89 , which is an increase of 0.82% from the previous price. The highest price in the past day was $12.00 , and the lowest price was $6.44 . The trend is bearish, which means that the price is expected to continue to decline.

Here is a more detailed interpretation of the graph:

- The price of AVAX has been declining since August 17th.

- The decline accelerated in the past few days, with the price dropping below the $15.93 USDT support level.

- The current price is just above the 9.88 USDT support level. If the price breaks below this level, it could fall to the $8.00 support level.

- The RSI indicator is in the oversold region, which suggests that the price may be due for a rebound. However, the overall trend is bearish, so it is important to be cautious.

It is important to note that this is just a technical analysis, and the actual price of $AVAX may not follow this trend. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions. #dyor

Here are some additional things to consider when interpreting the graph:

🚹The time frame of the graph. The shorter the time frame, the more volatile the price will be.

🚹The volume of trading. A high volume of trading indicates that there is a lot of interest in the asset, which can lead to more volatility.

🚹The news and events that affect the asset. Any news or events that could affect the demand or supply of the asset can also affect the price.

#ta #crypto2023