The explosion of Ton ecosystem has triggered the explosion of Telegram accounts. If you don’t have 100 Telegram accounts, you are embarrassed to say that you are a lucky drawer. It is also recommended that you get more Telegram accounts as backup. On the one hand, many tasks require Telegram accounts (three-piece sets become four-piece sets), and on the other hand, Telegram itself really has a lot of money to be gained. Even the Telegram Dogs that became popular and then devalued some time ago, one account can be sold for about 5U with a minimum guarantee of 800 coins.

How to get a Telegram number:


Buy some overseas mobile phone cards (the kind that can receive text messages, find the cheapest ones, I saw someone with 100 overseas mobile phone cards) and register;


Register on a code receiving platform. I don’t like code receiving platforms, so I can’t recommend a stable code receiving platform;


Find some more reliable KYC vendors to buy. The cost of one number is about 10-20¥. If you maintain it well, it can be used. It’s easy and recommended;

Telegram multiple opening methods, here is a brief summary, I will make a detailed video tutorial later:


Multiple openings by folder replacement, each multiple opening can be set up separately after the proxy;


ADS fingerprint browser cooperates with Telegram web page to open multiple times, directly share the independent IP of ADS;


Raiden/mumu simulator multiple openings of Telegram, also need to configure independent IP;


Script multiple openings (this requires technical threshold, I don’t know);