Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Xuhui District, Shanghai, exposed a shocking case in which four employees of a software company involved used a backdoor program in a crypto wallet to steal users' mnemonics and private keys, and stole millions of yuan in virtual currency.

According to the appraisal, these employees illegally obtained more than 27,000 mnemonics and more than 10,000 private keys, and successfully transferred more than 19,000 digital wallet addresses.

Even more shocking is that they even implanted the backdoor program into another virtual wallet software, illegally obtaining more than 6,400 user private keys and mnemonics.

This case once again reminds us that crypto wallets are not absolutely safe, and insiders may exist at any time. Although some people may say that crypto wallets are decentralized and there will be no problems, or that their wallets have only a small amount of funds and will not be targeted. But empirical examples tell us that any crypto wallet is at risk of being attacked, even from large companies.

Therefore, as users, we need to be vigilant, not only to choose a regular and reliable crypto wallet, but also to update the software version in a timely manner, and be careful not to operate the wallet in an unsafe environment. At the same time, strengthen your own awareness of prevention and do not easily believe unfamiliar links and information to avoid property losses.

The cryptocurrency market contains huge opportunities, but it also comes with huge risks. Let us be vigilant and protect our digital assets.

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