According to Techub News, Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese version issued a statement saying, "This magazine made a serious mistake in the 250th issue (July 6, 2022) and published a false and unfounded cover headline. This magazine mistakenly wrote "Zhao Changpeng's Ponzi Scheme". This magazine unreservedly retracts and withdraws this offensive statement and apologizes to Mr. Zhao Changpeng and Binance. In order to correct our mistake, we will donate the money determined by the donation in lieu of damages to the Songzi City Special Education School Foundation. "

The original English text of Bloomberg Businessweek was published on June 24, 2022. The title was actually "Can Crypto's Richest Man Stand the Cold?", but Bloomberg Chinese published it with a more sensational title: "Zhao Changpeng's Ponzi Scheme", which led to Zhao Changpeng, then CEO of Binance, filing a lawsuit against the publisher of the Chinese version of Bloomberg.