2024.7.17 Funds: 43436U

The funds are still at 43,000, and have retreated a bit. At present, the positions have almost been transferred to the air force camp, and a large-scale shorting has begun!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Recently, the market of King of Understanding has been really fierce. It is really easy for Bitcoin to break through 66,000. Now it feels like a time to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Light shorting will be a good choice. Now I am also a fan of King of Understanding, MAGA!

A man around 80 years old, facing the shooting and getting up on the verge of death, still did not forget to fight!

Now you who are living in the present should also fight, life is full of suffering! Billionaire King of Understanding, almost G, now you are at least alive, there are unlimited possibilities in the future, will this difficulty knock you down?

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Maybe when I look back on my trading stories during this period, I will feel that I am very weak now, so weak that I often look down on life and death and think about it. Or maybe I will feel very strong, so strong that I am so desperate, so sad, and so painful. Still came out! Maybe!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Current holdings:

W, ARB (bullish)


Always follow the rules of your own investment plan, which will strengthen good self-control!