[1.3 billion CNY was wiped out overnight, 54,992 people were exposed, the market is simple and clear, continue to pull! 】

2024.7.17 morning 8:44 BTC market analysis

BTC last night was as low as 63031 and as high as 65388, a proper 2000 dollar space fluctuation, and now it is consolidating at 65300. Most of the positions that were bought at low prices yesterday were stopped at most of the positions. For this week's quick entry and exit, only the profit pattern will be taken, and the principal will definitely make a profit!

BTC attention

Support 63300/61600-61800

Pressure is tentatively set at 66300/67500

At this moment, BTC daily K is about to enter the sprint stage. If the daily K also enters a bullish trend, there will be a short-term multi-level resonance, and there will be a need to touch 67500/even 70000 in the future!

Operationally: take the chips with lower costs after the 20th, take the remaining positions after the 20th, and for those with empty positions, it is the safest way to make money by quickly entering and exiting the principal in batches during the day and leaving the profit!