Co-founder of #Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, has sold 500 MakerDAO (MKR) tokens for 353 #ETH (approximately $579,000 at the time of writing) after #MakerDAO project leader Rune Christensen proposed launching the protocol on Solana.

MakerDAO is the issuer of the stablecoin DAI. According to Christensen's statement, the next phase of the organization's development will involve creating its own blockchain, tentatively named NewChain. "This will make the ecosystem safer and more efficient. After some research, I have concluded that the Solana codebase should be considered as the foundation for NewChain," he explained.

A day after this announcement, Buterin visited the Discord channel of competing stablecoin project Reflexer Finance. He offered some advice on the project's development if "MakerDAO torpedoed itself in strange directions."

Reflexer allows for the creation of #RAI stablecoins, using only Ethereum as collateral. The coin's value is not tied to a specific currency but depends on demand for the asset and the price of ETH. Buterin emphasized the importance of community governance when adding staking functionality. In his opinion, users should ideally start "only with non-dominant services"—meaning everything except Lido Finance.

According to CoinGecko data, the price of the Reflexer Ungovernance (#FLX ) token increased by nearly 70% overnight to $14.35. Meanwhile, MKR experienced a slight drop but quickly recovered to its previous level of around $1,120.

In May, the MakerDAO team presented a roadmap with a focus on using artificial intelligence.

In June, the platform increased the volume of US Treasury bonds in its reserves from $500 million to $1.2 billion. The project took its first step in this direction in October 2022.

Later, the issuer reduced the share of the USDC stablecoin in the total collateral for borrowing #DAI. $ETH