🚨⚠️ Crypto Scams: Stay Vigilant ⚠️🚨

🔍 **Major Scams to Watch Out For:**

- **FTX**: Collapsed Nov 2022, founder sentenced to 25 years.

- **Luna & TerraUSD**: $60B loss in May 2022, founder arrested.

- **QuadrigaCX**: $215M inaccessible, Ponzi scheme revealed.

- **Africrypt**: 70,000 BTC vanished, founders under investigation.

- **SafeMoon**: Executives withdrew $200M, facing SEC charges.

- **Pro-deum**: Exit scam in 2018, investors lost all funds.

- **Pincoin & iFan**: $660M Ponzi scheme, team disappeared.

- **Celsius Network**: Paused withdrawals, filed for bankruptcy.

- **Centra Tech**: Raised $25M fraudulently, founders imprisoned.

- **Mining Max**: $250M fraud, 18,000 investors affected.

💡 **Tips for Protection:**

1. Research projects thoroughly.

2. Verify team credentials.

3. Avoid unrealistic promises.

4. Diversify investments.

#CryptoSafety #stayalert #InvestmentTips