Other communities or KOLs are speaking openly and for free, why doesn’t Baige do the same?

Because that is a pyramid scheme! Shuqin is like this😂

Also, KOLs with tens of thousands of followers on Binance Square and Twitter all play this way (they or their team build a base position first, then trick you into buying in, driving up the price, and then quietly sell the coins 🙊. Then the price drops to shit, and they tell you that one coin can be passed down through three generations, and if you keep it, it will push up the third wave, one coin for one villa, etc.). . . .

I have suffered a lot of losses in the past, listening to other people's free advice and then buying the top of the mountain. I was brainwashed by others.... The world of cryptocurrency and blockchain is very dangerous!

Reverse thinking: Why would a stranger tell you that a coin can increase 100 times or 10 times? It is just for you to enter and take over so that he can sell it and get out!


After the research report on the coins mentioned in my spot VIP group was released, many of them I haven’t had time to buy yet, but the members have already bought them. That is to say, after joining as a member, my cost price and purchase price are the same as everyone else’s. There is no deception, deception, pyramid scheme or model to harm people to take over. Whether you buy it or not, it is still there 😝🤝

There is no free lunch in the world. If there is free, it will harm you.