The cryptocurrency world is full of investors' dreams of big profits. However, the path to success in this world is often challenging and uncertain. Many investors start out by trusting others and are faced with intense emotions such as disappointment and jealousy when they realize that this trust has been misplaced. Here's an in-depth look at how these dynamics work.

📌Trust and Disappointment

Crypto investing is often fraught with uncertainty, and many people invest by trusting people they know or follow on social media. These people often give advice to others in good faith. However, due to the volatile nature of the market, these recommendations do not always pay dividends. The person who follows the advice feels disappointed and angry when he sees that the person giving the advice is making a profit while losing money. This can leave investors feeling betrayed.

📌Jealousy and the Role of Social Media

This frustration often turns into jealousy. Investors have negative feelings about people who earn the money they lost, and they express these feelings through social media. Rumors spread, accusations are made, and a divide occurs in the community. This process acts as a kind of catharsis for investors; It becomes a way to express the pain and loss they experience. 📌The Power to Make Your Own Decisions

An important lesson emerges at this point: Individuals should make final decisions about investments themselves. Relying on the advice of others can often lead to disappointment. Doing your own research and making informed decisions can lead to more satisfying results in the long run.


Emotional dynamics such as trust, jealousy and the influence of social media play a big role in the cryptocurrency world. The key to being successful in this world is to rely on your own knowledge and skills rather than blindly relying on the advice of others. Maintaining emotional balance and making objective decisions in your investments will ensure more sustainable success in the long term. DYOR👍