🚨 Mt.Gox wallet has quite sensitive movements, specifically in the past 2 hours Mt.Gox has transferred 92,870 BTC worth $6.06 billion. Before, it was a light draft of 2.84 billion dollars.

✍️ After the German government, there is still Mt.Gox and the US Government. However, Mt.Gox's wallet is 2.5 times more than the previous German CP. Moving a large amount of BTC while the market is having a bit of excitement like this is no different than turning off the music while partying. Holder and Trader's mentality has also gradually improved and become dull. This can also be seen as fud to adjust for further upward momentum 🤡

Access here: https://platform. arkhamintelligence.com/ explorer/entity/mt-gox

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