20240716 Today's Market Interpretation

#BTC Bitcoin rebounded at 54,000 this time, and the highest point today almost hit 65,000, and then stepped back, and the low point pulled up 11,000 points. It was mentioned earlier that Bitcoin must break through 60,000 to rise, and it will have a chance to continue to sprint if it stabilizes. 🈶 Friends who pay attention should have seen that Bitcoin has stepped back to around 63,800. Pay attention to 62,000 in the short term. If it stabilizes 62,000, the rise will continue. If it falls below, it will break 6w again

#ETH Ethereum is basically linked to Bitcoin's trend. If it stabilizes 3,300, the rise will continue. If it falls below, it will grind to around 3,150

However, next Tuesday, Ethereum will announce the news of ETH spot ETF S-1. If there is no special accident, it can basically be said to have passed and can be listed for trading. It is also a good thing. ETH may have a wave of market after stepping back

The meme sector is still strong The leader #PEPE #FLOKI These two are more powerful

There are also sol series memes, wif is more powerful, bome has not yet gone its own way, still linked to wif more

The overall market is still on the rise, operation suggestions, mainly low and long, find a good support level

There is also news that there are 138,900 BTC in the Mentougou address, and there is no specific time when the compensation will start. This is also what everyone is more concerned about, after all, there are so many