Sol just fell back to around 156.35 and couldn't fall any further, so I gave a suggestion to buy at this position this morning. Enter at 157-156, stop loss at 154.50. If the market suddenly turns downward tomorrow, wait for the low point of 147.65-144.85 to buy the bottom. If it breaks through 162 tonight, get 172 directly. Continue to rise, and the profit will expand; if it falls back, it will only be a small loss. Obviously, the profit and loss ratio of long positions is much greater than that of short positions. There is no need to look back and forth when placing contracts, and you should rush when you should. If you didn't rush the day before yesterday and yesterday, you are sorry for Trump.

The retracements for two consecutive days were small-scale retracements of 15 minutes. When the bulls are strong, ignore the retracements. The retracement is too small, which is equivalent to no retracement, and it is not easy to enter the market at an ideal price. At this time, I usually enter a small position of 5-7% at the current price, and continue to hold it if the rise continues. When the opening cost becomes a support level, I will add 1x position. If it falls back below the cost price, add 5% near the lower support. If it falls below two support levels in a row, reduce 5% and add 10% at the third support level. Extreme falling market is excluded.

If you have been chasing ups and downs, often get trapped, have no latest news in the currency circle, and have no direction, follow me to check the clippings, and share the bull market strategy layout with fans for free, just to increase fans!

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