Let's analyze it from the daily line of the big cake: First of all, from the perspective of the large-scale moving average ma60 and ma120, there must be pressure at this position. However, although it is a large-scale pressure line, the time period for breaking is not very long, and these two lines are also short-term bull-bear decomposition in some cases. Since there is no reason not to break through here, the great pressure here is likely to be the beginning of a breakthrough.

Let's take a look at it through indicators.

#BTC☀ The red trend pressure line has been broken. Yesterday's market just hit the Fibonacci 0.618 position, so the market may have a shock adjustment next. Looking at the AO kinetic energy indicator of the sub-chart indicator, there is a trend of crossing the zero axis. If the market goes back to the Fibonacci 0.5 position (near 62700), the AO kinetic energy indicator will have an adjustment time, which is also to give macd an opportunity to adjust, so that macd can be closer to the zero axis, waiting for macd to cross the zero axis or form a golden cross near the zero axis, is the real beginning of the market. $BTC