Crypto Market Dynamics

1) Market Trends:

It's incredible! BTC has been rising all the way, approaching 65,000 on the weekly line! Oh, and the ETH ETF will be launched on July 23. Looking at the US stock market, it is rising rapidly, and Powell has made dovish remarks!

2) Market Hotspots:

① The Meme world is very lively, such as sats, pepe, floki, brett, wif, billy, etc., which are rising happily! The main force of the market rebound is still Meme. In the long run, the Meme adjustment time of Sol chain is longer, and the fundamentals are better!

② ENA, which is considered stable, has a forced short rebound. Once ETH rebounds, ENA will get rid of the risk of decoupling from USDE. The annualized short-selling fee rate of ENA has reached -100%!

③ On the political side, fear not has risen sharply, but fight has fallen sharply. Political dogs are greatly influenced by the outside world, and the leaders often change.

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