#binancesuquare #HBAR/USDT #pepe⚡ WHO is fun dw PEPE....Q Raise your hand oeo.....oeooooooo....#Argentina .

LET'S GO fully with the TOPIC that CALLS ME TODAY.....neither Chrome, nor Opera....nor edGE...

I have DEFINITELY switched to MOZILLA firefox for 6 reasons in particular.

After having tried almost all the BROWSERS... I decided to definitively change the one mentioned above for several reasons, including supporting the ONLY model that is not based on CHROMIUM.

This popular browser began to DEVELOP thanks to founding PRINCIPLES FOCUSED on OPEN code known as free software.

As a result, Mozilla Firefox is a browser

focused on the protection of user data.

FUNCTIONALITIES🗝 such as controlling or blocking tracking of web pages....by default....this is not the only ADVANTAGE....And below I describe 6 of them....I invite you to try it or As I always mention, do your own research.


2.BLOCKING of default trackers.

3.Firefox does not obtain dividends from advertising.

4.Tools needed without extensions.

5.independent profile management.

6.SUPPORTS open source.

Finally, a good like is appreciated... and pop your button so it can be replicated✨