Main take 📌

Passive investing in cryptocurrencies allows users to earn rewards from their passive digital assets with minimal effort.

- Passive investing in platforms like Binance Earn offers benefits such as low fees, consistent investment strategy, and less time effort.

- This guide covers the basics of passive investing and how to start making profit from your cryptocurrency holdings with Binance Earn.

### Introduction 🚀

When people first start their journey into trading and investing in cryptocurrencies, they often start with spot trading, which is one of the simplest ways to buy and sell financial assets. However, many feel unsure about what to do with their dormant digital assets, so passive investing can be a good option – and Binance Earn is a great place to start.

In this article, we'll cover the basics of passive investing and its potential benefits and limitations. We'll also go over a quick guide on how to start making profit from your cryptocurrency holdings with Binance Earn.

### What is passive investing? 💡

Passive investing is a way for people to grow their money without putting in much effort. This means putting money into things like stocks or cryptocurrencies and letting them grow over time without having to constantly check them or do frequent buying and selling. This approach has gained popularity not only in traditional markets but also in the cryptocurrency space.

### Advantages of passive investing ✅

- Lower fees: Passive investing typically involves lower fees compared to actively managed funds, because it requires less frequent trading and asset reallocation.

- Consistency: Passive investing follows a specific investment strategy, allowing investors to maintain a consistent approach over time without the need for frequent adjustments or market timing.

- Time Efficiency: Passive investing requires less time and effort compared to active trading, making it suitable for investors who prefer a hands-off approach to managing their portfolios.

### Limits of passive investing ⚠️

- Market Risk: Passive investing does not involve active management to respond to changing market conditions, which may leave investors vulnerable to market downturns or extended periods of poor performance.

- Limited flexibility: Depending on the strategy or product chosen, investors may not have the flexibility to access their funds quickly.

- Market Concentration: Some passive investment vehicles may be highly concentrated in a few large-cap assets or sectors, increasing exposure to risk or market downturns affecting those sectors.

### What is Binance Earn? 💰

Binance Earn is a great place for users to earn passive income from their cryptocurrency holdings. It offers a variety of products to meet the needs of different investors, from beginners to experienced users.

Binance Earn provides users with access to Flexible Savings, Locked Savings, and a few other products, each offering unique features and benefits. Flexible savings allow users to deposit and withdraw their money at any time, while locked savings offer higher interest rates in exchange for locking up funds for a specific period.

### How to get started with Binance Earn? 📈

1. Log in to your Binance account and find [Earn] in the top menu.

2. You will be redirected to the Binance Earn interface. Here you can see available products, such as Simple Earn, High Yield, and Auto-Invest.

On the right side, you'll find a summary of your holdings and an estimate of your returns in the last 30 days.

3. Scroll down to find a list of available products. Here you can see the different assets followed by the estimated APR and duration. You can also use the search function or filters to search for specific assets.

4. To start earning from your property, you need to choose a product offer and sign up for it. Add the amount of funds you want to use, check the summary and click Confirm when you're ready.

You can check the Product Rules tab at the top to get more details about each offer.

5. Flexible options allow you to get your money back at any time. Fixed options will require you to lock up your money for a certain period. Below is an example of a fixed term product, with different lock-in periods.

### Concluding thoughts 📝

Passive investing in cryptocurrencies can provide great opportunities for individuals to grow their holdings over time with minimal effort. Binance Earn provides users with access to a variety of products designed to increase passive profits while minimizing risk.