On Monday, July 15th, the day's main bullish market closed 3322 points across the board.

Dreams are like stars, they may seem out of reach, but as long as you run hard, you will eventually be able to touch their light.

The market situation at the beginning of the week did not disappoint us. The market trend has been rising all the way, and the current high point has reached the 63,500 line. In the morning, noon and evening, there were clear reminders to go long, and the market was quite cooperative, and all the long points given have been realized. In the day's market conditions, real offers were also participated in multiple batches. All achieved good profits,

Participate during the day as follows:

The pie was over 60,760, with 61,420 going out and receiving 660 points.

The pie was 62,246 and more than 62,828 were sold to close 582 points.

The pie was 62,424 and more than 63,088 were sold and 664 points were collected.

The pie was 62,258 and more than 62,797 were sold and 539 points were collected.

The pie was 61,277 and more than 62,154 were sold to receive 877 points.

Ether 3275 was more than 3301 and closed 26 points

Ether 3329 went out more than 3349 and closed 20 points

Ether 3335 went out more than 3372 and closed down 37 points

Ether 3303 went out more than 3345 and closed 42 points

Ether 3243 went out more than 3282 and closed 39 points

The five orders of Big Pie closed a total of 3322 points, and the five orders of Ether closed 164 points. The day's ideas and layout were another perfect day. If you have been stuck now and don't know what to do, click on my avatar to find me at any time. Here are just a few Help people who need help.

At present, the daily bullish trend is obvious, the market continues to rise, the sun is stretching and the bulls are strong, the market basically does not give a chance to step back, the trend has obviously changed, and the main force must be bulls to participate.

Trading is like a war without smoke. Strategy is your weapon and mentality is your armor. Only by arming yourself well can you stand firm in the torrent of the market.