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Mantle @0xMantle project launches Metamorphosis campaign.

What's in the campaign:

💫 $cmETH and $COOK

📌$cmETH is Mantle's re-stake token.

Mantle, you can convert native LST $mETH to ➡️ $cmETH.

📌 $COOK is Mantle LSP's revolutionary governance token.

Our goal is to ultimately earn $COOK.


Powder is the most transparent way to convert points into $COOK. You earn powder and then you can convert it to $COOK.

Ways to earn powder:

👉 Don't hold $mETH

👉 Using / depositing / making LP $mETH

👉 Referencing

👉 Participation in S1 partner protocols























💫 Win $COOK Rewards

1. Mantle Reward Station

- Mantle Reward Station began allowing users to lock $MNT for $COOK rewards starting July 10, 2024.

A total of 200,000,000 $COOK will be given to those who lock $MNT.

2. For $PUFF Owners

- @puff_drgn community, $PUFF holders will receive $COOK via retroactive allocation.

🔵 The campaign will last 100 days, click on the link to collect POWDER and start now!