In the past three months, the cryptocurrency market has experienced an unprecedented wave of contract liquidations, with the number of people far exceeding one million and even approaching the two million mark. This series of shocking events, like dominoes, has hit the nerves of the market one after another.

First, there was the "late storm" on April 12. On this day, the market repeated the crash of "3.12" last year, but the time was delayed by a month. On that day, more than 265,000 investors failed to withstand the violent fluctuations of the market and unfortunately suffered liquidations. Huge amounts of funds disappeared in an instant, and the fragility of the market was revealed.

Then, on June 18, it was hit again. The market did not seem to have fully recovered from the previous round of shocks, and it ushered in another "discount day". On this day, 190,000 investors fell in another market crash, and contract liquidations came like a tide, and market confidence was once again severely hit.

The most eye-catching was on July 5, when the market panic reached its peak due to the follow-up impact of the Mt. Gox incident. Investors chose to sell assets to avoid risks, causing violent market fluctuations. On that day, more than 230,000 investors suffered heavy losses in this storm, and the amount of liquidation was staggering.

Faced with such frequent liquidation events, market participants began to worry: When will the next liquidation day of more than 200,000 people come? This has become a question hanging in everyone's mind. However, the future of the cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainty. It is both a hotbed of risks and a cradle of opportunities. While pursuing high returns, investors must always be vigilant and strengthen risk management to avoid becoming the next victim of liquidation.

In short, the cryptocurrency market liquidation wave in the past three months has brought profound lessons to the entire industry. It reminds us that while enjoying the rich returns brought by the market, we must also be prepared to deal with possible risks and challenges. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the waves of the cryptocurrency market and achieve continuous growth of wealth. #比特币行情 #以太坊 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 $BTC $ETH