Let's talk about rolling positions today.

Suppose you have made five thousand dollars by delivering food for half a year. Then you take three hundred dollars, about two thousand yuan, and start your "rolling position journey".

You invest ten dollars each time and use a hundred times leverage. Yes, you read that right, ten dollars. Before placing a bet, you must first figure out whether you are bullish or bearish. Don't waver and stick to your judgment. If you lose fifty times in a row, it may be that you made a wrong judgment. It is better to go back to delivering food and come back when you understand it.

But if you lose twenty times and the trend is right, then congratulations, as long as the market rises or falls by more than 1%, your ten dollars can be turned into twenty dollars. At this time, you take out the ten dollars of profit and continue to play with a hundred times leverage. Another 1% rise or fall, your money can be turned into 40 dollars, and with a fluctuation of about 11%, your assets will be almost 10,000 US dollars. During the whole process, you don't have to pay for it, just rely on the profit to "roll".

Bitcoin can go up or down 10% three or four times a month. So, set a goal for yourself, such as earning 5,000 or 10,000 US dollars, then stop, only take profits, and stop rolling positions. If you are greedy and can't control your hands, you will definitely lose everything in the end.

After a round, you may have earned tens of thousands of US dollars. At this time, you have to be patient and wait until the rising and falling trend that you are sure of appears, which may take several months. Then, you take another 500 US dollars, or 10 US dollars per round, and start a new round.

If you are lucky and encounter a one-sided market, it is not a dream to make millions in a few days. But this opportunity may only come once in a year or two. So, if you can't help it, can't control your hands, have no patience, don't follow the plan, and play contract trading, you will definitely blow up your position and go bankrupt.

Rolling positions is not gambling, but a strategy. The key is to be patient, disciplined, and seize the opportunity to hit the target. Don't be greedy, don't be impulsive, and take steady steps to go further and further on the road of rolling positions.

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