What qualities are needed to make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle? Share your personal opinions and experiences with everyone

- [ ] Lost enough money to make you feel painful. If you don’t feel pain, you won’t think calmly and you won’t respect the market

- [ ] Have enough capital after losing

- [ ] People must have a certain degree of maturity

- [ ] You must have experienced things and suffered setbacks

- [ ] The vision cannot be limited to the domestic

- [ ] You must understand politics, economics, and human psychology (not just domestic)

- [ ] You must understand some K-line knowledge

- [ ] You must understand many ways of playing and knowledge points in the circle, and it is best to have tried them

- [ ] If you are already married, you need to have a partner who will not go against you or back down, otherwise it will disturb your mind. It is best to be able to help you

- [ ] If you are not married yet, you need to have a certain talent, be smart and perceptive, be able to reflect, summarize, and be diligent

- [ ] Follow the right people. Some real experts in the circle actually don’t charge fees and don’t set up groups. But you need to know how to distinguish.

- [ ] Don't have too many concerns. Wanting to win but afraid of losing is the easiest way to lose your patience

- [ ] Be patient enough and keep your temper.

- [ ] Be courageous. In this circle, you don't have the psychological quality to withstand the ups and downs

- [ ] Be greedy, but not too greedy. If you are not greedy, you won't enter the circle. If you are too greedy, you won't be able to take a penny away.

- [ ] Understand and be able to stop when you are ahead, and make certain money.

- [ ] Don't touch contracts. Many people will not like to hear this, but it is a fact.

- [ ] Luck. The previous few points determine the lower limit; the upper limit depends on luck.

- [ ] Finally, really understand the trend

It is very, very difficult to make a lot of money in this circle and take it away. This circle has extremely high requirements for the comprehensive ability and cognition of individuals. It is not an exaggeration to say that only 5% can make money.

Of course, if you have the ability to make a lot of money in the currency circle, then it will be a piece of cake for you to work in any industry.

Finally, I wish everyone to be rich and not be cut off

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