Shocking news! A Bitcoin address that has been dormant for nearly 12 years was mysteriously activated in the early morning, and the wealth inside is staggering! According to Whale Alert monitoring, a Bitcoin address that has been dormant for 12 years was suddenly activated. The address held 1,000 BTC in 2012, which was worth only $11,908 at the time. However, with the prosperity of the Bitcoin market, the value of these 1,000 BTC has now soared to an astonishing $60 million! Who is behind this? Is it a loyal believer in Bitcoin or a savvy investor? It happened to be activated when Bitcoin was pulling up. In any case, this activation undoubtedly brought great shock to the entire digital currency market. People speculated about the identity and motives of this mysterious person, and were also full of expectations for the future of digital currency.