ETH coin analysis:

Currently, the price of Ethereum (ETH) is around $3,203.89. Currently, the current analysis trend is Neutral. For the position of large investors on the Bybit platform, the long to short ratio is 4.7:1.

The current funding rate for the currency is 0.0001. Financing rates generally apply to perpetual contracts. A positive number indicates the strength of the long side, while a negative number indicates the strength of the short side.

As for the current support and resistance levels, the latest support price for the upper bar (BOLL) is $3171.96, while the resistance price for the upper bar is $3206.29.

In terms of current market sentiment, the Market Sentiment Index stands at 33, according to the following scale:

- 0-25: intense fear

- 26-44: Fear

- 45-55: Neutral

- 56-74: Greed

- 75-100: extreme greed

As for the current neutral indicators, the KDJ indicator, MACD indicator, RSI indicator, EMA BREAK indicator and BOLL indicator are not currently showing any specific pattern.

Based on this information, it can be said that Ethereum (ETH) is moving in a neutral direction at the moment. Market developments and other technical indicators should be followed to determine the future direction of the currency.

