Before Investing in Crypto Assets, YOU MUST DO THIS! 


Investing in cryptocurrencies can be very profitable, but it is also fraught with risks. Before we decide to put money into any coin or crypto project, there are some important steps we must take. 

Here are 15 important points that we must do before investing in cryptocurrency:

1. Baca Whitepaper Proyek (Read the Project's Whitepaper)

A whitepaper is an important document that explains a project's goals, technology, and roadmap. Read and understand the project whitepaper to understand the goals, technology, and roadmap. Check for clarity of vision and realistic plans. A good whitepaper will provide a clear and detailed picture of the project vision and plan.

A good whitepaper includes information about the problem the project aims to solve, the solutions offered, the technology used, and long-term development plans. Don't hesitate to seek help if any part is difficult to understand. In addition, a transparent and detailed whitepaper can increase investor confidence.

2. Periksa Founders dan Tim (Check the Founders and Team)

Getting to know who is behind the project is very important. Explore the background of the founder and core team. Research the background of the founder and core team, check their experience in the industry, and see what projects they have worked on before. LinkedIn and social media are good tools to do this check. Check their LinkedIn or social media profiles to ensure authenticity.

An experienced and credible team tends to be better able to bring a project to success. Make sure they have a good track record and relevant skills. Don't forget to find out whether they have been involved in successful or failed projects in the past, as this can give you an idea of ​​their capabilities.

3. Evaluasi Utility dan Use Case (Evaluate Utility and Use Case)

Make sure you understand the use and purpose of the cryptocurrency. Is there a real need for the product or service being offered? Evaluate whether this project offers a unique solution to an existing problem.

Clear and strong utility is a good indicator that the coin has the potential for widespread adoption. See if this project offers significant added value compared to existing solutions. Projects with good utility usually have a greater chance of long-term success.

4. Analisa Market Cap (Analyze Market Cap)

Market capitalization is an important measure for understanding a project's size and growth potential. Compare the market cap of this project with other similar projects in the industry to get a better perspective.

A large market capitalization indicates higher investor confidence and better liquidity. However, projects with a smaller market capitalization may have greater growth potential, albeit at a higher risk. It is important to understand these dynamics before making an investment decision.

5. Perhatikan Trading Volume (Check Trading Volume)

Daily trading volume can give us an idea of ​​the market's liquidity and interest in that cryptocurrency. High volume indicates that many people are trading this coin, which can be an indicator of market confidence and interest.

High trading volume also makes it easier for us to buy and sell coins without experiencing significant price fluctuations. Good liquidity is an important factor to consider, especially for investors who may want to exit their positions quickly.

6. Research Community and Support (Investigate Community and Support)

An active and dedicated community is a positive sign of a healthy project. View community activity on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram. A strong community can be a driver of project adoption and success.

The strong community also provides support and useful information for new investors. They can help us understand the project more deeply and provide insight into recent developments. Projects with active communities tend to be more stable and sustainable.

7. Check Partnerships and Collaborations (Check Partnerships and Collaborations)

Collaboration with well-known companies or organizations can increase the credibility and adoption of the project. Make sure the partnership is valid and not just an empty claim. we can check this through official announcements or confirmation from third parties.

Collaboration with large companies or well-known institutions can provide significant support to project adoption and increase investor confidence. Strategic partnerships can also open up new opportunities and expand the reach of projects.

8. Review Regulations and Compliance (Review Regulations and Compliance)

Ensure that the project complies with the applicable rules and regulations in the country where we are located. Also check whether the project has the necessary licenses or permits. Compliance with regulations can reduce future legal risks.

Projects that comply with regulations show that they operate legally and responsibly, which can provide a sense of security for investors. Regulatory compliance can also increase a project's trust and reputation in the eyes of the public and government.

9. Pelajari Tokenomics (Study Tokenomics)

Tokenomics refers to token distribution, release schedules, and inflation/deflation mechanisms. Ensure the token economic model supports long-term growth and is profitable for investors.

Healthy tokenomics ensures that there is a balance between supply and demand, as well as the right incentives for all stakeholders. Projects with good tokenomics tend to have stable and sustainable ecosystems.

10. Review Roadmap and Updates (Review Roadmap and Updates)

A project roadmap shows their future plans and targets. Make sure the project is consistent with targets and promised updates. Frequent tardiness can be a warning sign.

A clear and realistic roadmap shows that the project team has a mature plan and clear goals. Monitor project progress regularly to ensure that they stay on track. Projects that follow the roadmap well demonstrate the commitment and discipline of their teams.

11. Audit and Security (Audit and Security)

Security is a crucial aspect in cryptocurrency. Check whether the project has been audited by an independent third party. Audits can help identify potential risks and increase confidence in the project.

A security audit conducted by a reputable company can provide assurance that a project's code and infrastructure are safe from threats. Projects that invest in security tend to be more trustworthy and stable in the eyes of investors.

12. Observe Responses to Criticism and Issues (Observe Responses to Criticism and Issues)

How a team handles criticism and problems can be an indicator of their competence and reliability. A transparent and quick response shows that the team cares about the community and is committed to fixing the problem.

Transparency and good communication from the project team shows that they are responsible and open to input. Projects that address issues well tend to have good relationships with their communities, which is important for long-term sustainability.

13. Identify Competition and Differentiation (Identify Competition and Differentiation)

Find out who the main competitors are and what makes this project different. Do they offer something unique or better than competitors? Clear differentiation can be the key to project success.

Projects that have clear competitive advantages and differentiation are more likely to be successful in the long term. Knowing the project's position in the market and its advantages can help you make better investment decisions.

14. Check Adoption and Active Users (Check Adoption and Active Users)

The number of active users and adoption rate of a product or service are important indicators of project success. High adoption indicates that there is healthy demand for the product or service.

High adoption indicates that the project has real value and is accepted by users. Projects that have a strong user base tend to be more stable and have the potential for further growth.

15. How to buy crypto assets after analyzing (How to Invest)

After considering all the factors above, the final step is how to buy crypto assets on the right platform. We can buy crypto assets on CEX and also on DEX. However, for beginners, CEX is much friendlier in terms of accessibility. You can try Binance, as the largest exchange platform in the world, it has very complete features, lots of pairs and also a UI that is friendly for beginners because there are PRO and LITE options. 


Investing in cryptocurrencies can be very profitable, but it is also fraught with risks. By carrying out due diligence and following the 15 important points above, we can make wiser and more informed investment decisions. Always remember to do in-depth research and not rush into making investment decisions. With careful preparation, you can maximize potential profits and minimize risks in the world of cryptocurrency.

Always stay alert and continue to update your knowledge about the very dynamic cryptocurrency market. Invest wisely and never invest with hot money. Happy investing and good luck!

Disclaimer: Investing and trading crypto assets is a high-risk activity. All information presented here is for educational purposes and is not a recommendation or invitation to buy any asset