Five taboos in contract trading

1. Investment syndrome: restless when there is no order in hand, panic after placing an order, and flustered when the market fluctuates. Frequent operations often fall into a vicious cycle of more and more losses.

2. Frequent operations around the clock: Trying to be an all-round player, switching between long and short frequently, but ignoring the importance of market trends. Remember, follow the trend, longs go long, shorts go short, and take steady steps.

3. Grabbing a rebound against the trend: Grabbing a rebound requires superb skills, otherwise it is like licking blood on the edge of a knife. Newbies should not try it easily, they should follow the market trend, manage funds reasonably, and avoid unnecessary risks.

4. Full position operation: Greed is the devil. Although full position operation may make you rich quickly, the risk is also huge. It is recommended to open a position no more than 30%-50% of the total funds each time, leaving room for emergencies.

5. Never admit defeat: In the face of mistakes, stubbornness is useless. Stop loss in time, admit and correct mistakes, are the necessary qualities of mature investors. Don't let mistakes continue and cause greater losses.

Warnings from the cryptocurrency circle: Behind successful cases, there are often unknown setbacks and lows. Although Li Xiaolai, Zhao Changpeng, Zhao Dong and other industry leaders are now in great glory, they have also experienced difficult times when their assets shrank significantly. Their stories tell us that the road to investment is not a smooth one, and we need the courage and wisdom to withstand fluctuations and face failure.

Survival rules in the cryptocurrency circle:

There is no bottom when it falls, and no top when it rises, so keep awe.

Look at profits and losses rationally, and you can withstand the panic of millions turning into hundreds of thousands, and you also need the foresight of millions turning into billions.

Only by focusing on long-term value, rather than short-term fluctuations, can you move forward steadily in the ever-changing cryptocurrency circle. #比特币行情 #以太坊ETF通过 #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH