
$PEOPLE #TRB.智能策略库 🥇🥇

Light position mentality and heavy position operation

Most people have the problem of making money with light position and losing money with heavy position. Small position can make people relaxed, bold, and integrate knowledge and action, because small wins and losses will not affect their emotions. Heavy position or even all-in, even a little fluctuation cannot be tolerated. Psychological pressure makes trading actions deformed. The greater the pressure, the more wrong the action. After being trapped, they will have obsessions and unrealistic fantasies. Forget the principal, light position mentality and heavy position operation.

It is not easy to do, try to do it.

Trading strategy only needs to learn:

1. Look at the direction "which cycle rises, which cycle falls"!

2. Entry point and selling point!

💰Standardized formula, process replication, rules to follow!

Trading is very simple. It is very simple as long as you follow the system standards. You don’t need to learn any technology. I will share it with you. If you solve the problem of direction, you can basically survive in the market. If you solve the problem of entry and exit, you will achieve stable profits!



#ARB.智能策略库 🥇🥇