These things are also the secret schemes of the rich. How much do you know?

1. Beauty, only rent, not buy.

2. Keep silent, make a fortune, create wealth in a low profile, don't show off.

3. Give gifts, don't go through the hands of a third person.

4. Don't chase women, just attract women.

5. People with ability are shameless, and people without ability are all shameless. Beggars want face, but they don't want to beg for food, so they starve to death. Merchants want face, but they are embarrassed to ask for money, so they close down. Men want face, but they are embarrassed to confess, and the woman they like runs away with others. Those who want face will eventually lose face, and those who don't want face will eventually have a good reputation.

6. Keep your mouth shut about your wealth, and never let people around you know how you make money, including your best friends.

7. Only screen the people around you, don't change them. People who try to change others are fools, and those who have the courage to change themselves are wise.

8. When doing business, don't use your personal savings if you can borrow money from the bank.

9. Ask someone to do something, give a gift first, rich people won't tell you, you can only do it secretly.

10. If you are 30% sure of something, do it first. Complete it first, then perfect it. Roll up your sleeves and do it, and you will be halfway to success.

11. If you don't know what to do, do exercise.

12. If you don't know where to go, go to the library.

13. Throw away friends with negative energy.

14. There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. If the interests are in place, you can turn enemies into friends.

15. Do business, don't make the last penny. Instead, know how to stop when you are ahead and get ashore in time.

16. Plan everything before you act, think twice before you act, be steady, and the beginning is the end.

17. Invite a man to dinner and bring a beautiful woman, so that the ice is broken very quickly. The success rate of talking about things will also increase to more than 85%.

18. Pretend to be rich to strangers, so that you will be respected and have social skills. Cry poor to acquaintances, so that you will not be envied.

19. Never bring your friends and relatives into your business circle.

20. Hide your abilities in front of your leaders.

21. When playing cards with your leaders, you only win the opening and closing rounds.

22. For the same question, giving gifts and not giving gifts are always two different answers.

23. People who want to solve problems by spending money will always live at the bottom.

24. In this world, the most solid relationship must be a relationship of interest.