Can you believe it? 50,000 yuan became 3.5 million yuan in half a year! If you want to quickly grow your money with a small amount of money in the currency circle, you must remember these steps! Collect them quickly, this is the key to unlock the treasure!

There is a group of friends with small funds in the currency circle, commonly known as retail investors. This group of people just came in to try the market and also wanted to make a big fortune with small funds.

As a result, many people not only did not make any money but also put in their principal. Some people who refused to admit defeat added funds and accumulated to become big retail investors.

In fact, they did not fully understand the rules of the currency circle. If you want to grow quickly, you can only do short-term trading, because short-term trading is faster. Repeated operations many times, profits many times, just like compound interest growth. Rapidly increase in a short period of time!

For friends who like short-term trading very much and have not achieved good results, patiently read the following key points and you will gain a lot!

First, to do short-term trading, you must first be clear about your goals. When we look at a target, we only need to focus on its short-term rise and fall. This is the strength and weakness of the main force. Other fundamentals are not important. Friends know that short-term speculation only considers whether the trend is strong!

Second, when tracking trends, we must focus on the upward trend. There is often a phenomenon in the upward trend that the strong are always strong, and the weak are always weak in the downward trend. Even if you chase the rise and kill the fall, you must understand that this is the law of short-term operation!

Third, you must learn to enter the market within a small cycle, which is the first element of short-term market observation.

1. When the currency price falls to the support line without breaking through and rising again.

2. When the bottom trading volume increases rapidly, and the currency price rises sharply at the same time, when a cross star appears in the low price zone. These situations are all possible to enter the market to eat meat!

#币安7周年 #技术分析 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?