The bull market is completely over

Ethereum's recent target is 2750. If it rebounds after that, we will continue to look down to 2300, and the final target is 1900. It is basically certain that it will not really rebound this year, and it may even fall directly to the range of 1200-1500. For those "scattered leeks" remarks, don't care. We will discuss the specific reasons in the next issue. You can wait and see...

For Bitcoin, we will also be bearish on the rebound according to the actual market situation, and the final target is around 35,000.

If you want to "lazy management of positions", you can now be bearish with 2x leverage and hold it.

To put it simply, "In the second half of the year, we will only sell high and not buy low"

#币安7周年 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC下跌分析 #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $ETH $BNB