When I started to learn about cryptocurrency, blockchain and the how the Web 3 space works, the most challenging part of the learning experience was the undeniable fact that most of the content that were available were not easy to understand.

The reason was because I had a family friend who studied loved to trade bitcoin (He later my mentor who taught me on the basics of cryptocurrency).

I already knew about Bitcoin, However most of the information I had access to were based on what people had said it was. 

I had a lot of questions, so I tried to read articles about them but they were not engaging, and were not easy enough for a beginner like me.

I was quick to notice there are a lot of crypto slangs and technical terms which is intentionally used by people in these space, however the effect could make the entry level for people coming into the crypto industry higher than it should. Becoming a crypto content writer is about educating and informing your audience who are interested in crypto content in a way that they can understand.

Here are my 3 tips that should take you from Newbie to Crypto Writer in 5 Easy Steps

Please note: This is solely based on my experience, and you should adjust based on your strengths.

1) The Piggyback Effect:

If you want to be a content writer, you have to know how to write good articles that your audience can engage with.

Writing about broad crypto topics people are already talking about will make your audience give you the feedback you need to know about what information they want to know about per time and then you research about it and explain it to them in an easy way.

So, it’s important to share your opinions about trending crypto topics when you are just starting out as a crypto content writer. 

2) Research:

Doing research about something you don’t quite understand yourself might be a stressful task. By asking yourself questions you think your audience might just be the solution. Simply reading content from other successful writers, you are able to learn what works and what makes not be interesting to your audience.

3) Avoid Everything Syndrome:

You don’t need to know everything about the the crypto space to become a successful crypto writer. For example: I’m not the best at explaining crypto trading strategies and chart patterns to beginners but I’m good at knowing what trading psychology you need to avoid losing your trading capital. Knowing your strong points will help you evaluate how to deliver quality content to your audience.

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