BOME currently: At 4 hours, a long buy signal, i.e. a yellow dot, has appeared at 8 am. #bomechain

Today's focus: 0.007434. With the emergence of the green dot, it is a good time to go long. #bome潜力无限

The upper target is set near 0.008075. At the same time, please set a stop loss near this position at the previous low: 0.007009. #bome相对市场行情来说bome

The maximum profit can reach: 8.62%. Please pay attention, friends! But please remember that the daily level is in a bearish trend. The current long order operation is against the trend and the profit may be limited. Therefore, it is not recommended to wait for short-term operations. #BOME威威C94391314智能多空策略 $BOME