Blockchain technology comes with numerous advantages and has enormous potential to influence the hospitality sector. In this sector, blockchain can bring a higher level of transparency within the system, better handling of the personal information of the customers and boost the services.

Some of the best advantages of using blockchain in the hospitality sector are as follows:

Easy to track guest

To minimize the waiting time for the guests, the hotel authority, can make the use of blockchain technology to track the exact location of its guests on a real-time basis.

This tracking will allow, the hotel personnel to know when the guests arrived at the airport- when the guest is likely to arrive at the hotel and other such information. Thereby, the hotel personnel will be able to serve the guest in a better and convenient way.

Loyalty points for the air travelers

Airlines can implement attractive “loyalty programs” for the flyers. By making the use of blockchain technology, airline officials can allow the flyers to make use of loyalty tokens to make #hotel bookings, pay for restaurant bills, buy tour packages and even transfer these loyalty tokens to another user with ease

Preventing identity theft

Another good feature that blockchain can bring in the hospitality sector is the “digital identification” of the guests. Therefore, all the guests' information like passport details, driving license details, address, contact number, birth certificates, etc can be stored securely in a blockchain network. Hence, only authorized personnel will be able to access the hotel facilities Since the details are secured in blockchain, information sharing is easy as a guest can allow access with the help of private key.