Breaking News: Bitcoin and Ethereum Options Expiry Alert!

Today, a significant number of options are set to expire for both Bitcoin (24,000) and Ethereum (157,000), with a combined value of $1.89 billion. Here are the key details:

Bitcoin Options:

- Put-Call Ratio: 1.08

- Maximum Pain Point: $58,500

- Nominal Value: $1.4 billion

Ethereum Options:

- Put-Call Ratio: 0.37

- Maximum Pain Point: $3,100

- Nominal Value: $490 million

Market Conditions:

- Minor rebound in the cryptocurrency market this week

- Implied Volatility (IV) at its lowest level since March

Option Seller Activity:

- Large positions established, suppressing IV

Market Sentiment:

- Cautious mood due to Ethereum ETF delays and skepticism

- Weak US stock market with hopes for a September rate cut

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