Why didn't the market reverse after the CPI passed!

Why is the market reacting so slowly now!

Everyone has been tortured by the market these days and almost doesn't recognize the bull market!

A normal bull market must be a process of quantitative change and qualitative change. That is, "volume increase and price increase",

that is, the transaction volume in the subsequent currency price increase is greater than the previous transaction volume. If there is an obvious deviation in any wave of increase, that is, the new transaction volume has not set a new high, or even lower than the previous transaction volume, but it has been rising, this may be a very dangerous signal, and it may be a market crash.

Once the market breaks through the new high with insufficient transaction volume, it means that there are strong dealers absorbing funds and it may collapse at any time.

So if you keep buying up at this time, you must pay attention to the danger. Trend investment is impossible to reach the peak, and there must be repeated profit withdrawals. If you want to keep eating until the end of the fish, you will be smashed by accident. It is difficult to resist this process of bull turning into bear by relying on luck, and it will only end in tragedy!

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