Justin Sun, the founder of TRON, has recently made waves in the Bitcoin market with his amazing move - he resolutely opened a huge Bitcoin long order worth up to $420 million at a high of $67,000! This move not only demonstrates his courage as a heavyweight in the field of cryptocurrency, but also quickly attracted widespread attention from the market.

It is reported that Justin Sun's collateral for this transaction reached an astonishing $460 million in stUSDT, showing his deep insight into the market and full preparation. However, given the volatility of the current Bitcoin market, this decision is undoubtedly full of risks and challenges, which makes people sigh at the boldness of "Sun Ge"'s "gamble" this time.

Looking back, the German government's move to sell Bitcoin has caused heated discussions in the market, and Justin Sun's sharp response to this is even more impressive. After Germany lost the European Cup, he took advantage of the topic and humorously teased on Twitter that the German team's loss might be related to the sale of Bitcoin. This move not only shows his humor, but also reveals his deep feelings and firm belief in the cryptocurrency market.

Faced with various uncertainties and challenges in the market, whether Sun Yuchen can successfully "reach the other side" with this huge long order has become the focus of many investors and observers. $ZEC $FORTH $BURGER #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息?