I think IO is a pretty good coin. I don't know why there are so many complaints in the square?

Those who were trapped before, don't worry, it's not a big problem, be more patient and let the bullet fly for a while.

Let's talk about my views below. Welcome to correct me!

First of all, the CPI is announced, the expectation of interest rate cut is there, and the macro environment is very good.

Then, under the current situation of tight computing power, it has the most computing power, more than 20,000 GPUs that have passed computing power verification.

The market value is 200 million US dollars, and there is a lot of room for growth.

Multicoin Capital and Hack VC led the investment of tens of millions of US dollars. ​

The positioning in the market may be very clear, focusing on solving specific problems or meeting specific needs, which helps it stand out in a highly competitive market.

IO's ecosystem may be highly scalable, able to accommodate and support a variety of different applications and services, thereby attracting more developers and users.

Its advantages in governance and staking are also obvious. With the continuous advancement of blockchain technology, the importance of decentralized infrastructure has become increasingly prominent, and $IO is the beneficiary of this trend. By combining AI and DeFi technologies, $IO adopts efficient resource management and innovative token destruction mechanism, which not only improves its market competitiveness, but also provides more value protection for investors.

io.net uses underutilized GPU resources in the market to provide lower-cost computing power than traditional cloud services, which is especially important for data-intensive AI applications, because they usually require a lot of computing resources, and traditional methods may be costly.

At present, its biggest advantage is the price advantage. The current price is really a bargain! I dare not even think about 2u. According to analysts' forecasts, I it has a large room for future price growth. It is expected that the price will reach $6 by 2024, and may grow to $12.36 by 2025, and by 2030, the price may fluctuate between $26.47 and $32.98.

#IO去中心化算力网络 $IO