Why do ordinary people always miss opportunities to get rich quickly, such as the Internet, house buying, e-commerce, and Bitcoin?

Those who can seize these opportunities either rely on cognition or luck. I have seized all the four opportunities to get rich mentioned above.

After graduating in 2018, I went to Shenzhen to do e-commerce and made my first pot of gold in my life.

I entered the cryptocurrency circle in early 2020, through cryptocurrency speculation, mainly Ethereum and altcoins, and less Bitcoin. In two years, I increased my funds 30 times, and my personal assets exceeded eight figures.

After clearing the warehouse at the end of 2021, I bought a house in Shenzhen. Of course, I didn't make money by buying a house, after all, I bought it too late.

During this period, I was also doing cryptocurrency self-media, which was considered to be entering the Internet. The profit method was return of use and paid groups.

At present, the bonus period of the Internet, house buying, and e-commerce has passed. It is not that these industries cannot make money, but that ordinary people cannot make money to turn over from these industries.

The only thing left that still has a bonus period is cryptocurrency speculation, but with the advancement of supervision and compliance, the opportunity to get rich quickly will gradually disappear, by 2025 at the earliest, or by 2029 at the latest, and then this door will be closed.

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