[News] Hello, dear blockchain enthusiasts! There is a fresh and hot news to tell you: Astar Network officially announced on July 11 that they are working with Binance to launch a new staking mechanism. 🎉

How does this mechanism work? When users stake in the Binance Simple Earn event, the exchange platform will stake Astar Network's native token ASTR directly to the community treasury in the Astar dApp staking. This means that the dApp staking rewards generated by the community treasury through the staking process will increase proportionally with the number of Binance stakes, and the reward income of the community treasury will also increase accordingly.

This is good news for us because the community can allocate more Unstoppable community grants to developers. In this way, developers will have more motivation to innovate, develop more and better applications, and make our blockchain world more colorful.

What do you think of this new staking mechanism? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area, let us discuss the future of blockchain together!