Intraday arrangement

If you can understand

Then you will not lose money in the currency circle💰

Why can Farsight predict the trend continuously? Why did Farsight shout for more than two days, but suddenly see range fluctuations today? Can you understand the doorway?

The macro market sentiment may differ from the unpublished data, and there are signs of a change in the market. The long and short game begins. Before the data is clearly announced, the range treatment is the best choice.

It is just such a simple judgment. The long and short can eat a whole round trip during the day. The big pie is 1,000 points up and down and the concubine is 70 points each. It is delivered to your mouth. It would be impolite if you don’t eat it. #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币