The race for stablecoin supremacy heats up as industry experts debate Tether's role and new players such as PayPal (NASDAQ:PYPL) enter the scene

Jamie Coates, an expert at Bloomberg Intelligence, pointed to the growing dominance of Ethereum. Which are highlighted by the main network adoption metrics and second-tier projects such as Eoptic, Arbitrum and Base

Ethereum's scaling roadmap is expected to significantly reduce Tier II transaction costs. Thanks to the highly anticipated EIP-4844. This comes as PayPal recently launched its stablecoin, PYUSD. Fueling speculation that it may develop its own second-tier network

The expert also predicts that stablecoins could outperform Bitcoin's user base within 3 to 5 years. Driven by commercial integration, product innovation, and scalability. This is in line with recent data showing a record 17.4 million titles containing more than one dollar of stablecoins. It is a sevenfold increase since 2021
