
At 7 o'clock this morning, a key yellow dot appeared on the 1-hour chart of BNB. As a clear signal of long orders, it led the market into a rebound track.

Today's focus is on the key price of 524.41, which has become an important watershed for judging whether the rebound can continue. #bnb每日打卡 #BNB质押 #BNB走势

If the BNB price can hold above this price, the rebound trend is expected to continue, and our profit targets will focus on the three potential highs of 526.08, 528.04 and 529.48.

However, the market is always full of variables. If the 1-hour long-short conversion price is unfortunately lost, it may indicate the end of the rebound and the start of the bear market. At this time, it is necessary to pay close attention to the changes in the support levels of 523.04, 521.69 and 520.34 below, so as to adjust the trading strategy in time. #BNBSmartChain $BTC $BNB $ETH