Do you think Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana ETFs benefit the crypto ecosystem? You are wrong!🙅‍♂️ These are just Trojan horses and they make the uncontrollable controllable. Doesn't it seem strange to you that large institutions are suddenly interested in cryptocurrencies?🤔

BlackRock, once a big critic of Bitcoin, has now launched a Spot ETF! And they are not only interested in Bitcoin, they are also interested in many ecosystem projects. They have global tokenization plans, meaning they want to tokenize all assets in the world (real estate, energy, agriculture, etc.).

However, ETFs turn Bitcoin into a speculative commodity or store of value! This represents a departure from the peer-to-peer payment system that Satoshi Nakamoto originally aimed for.

And remember, ETFs make Bitcoin more manipulable.🚨 Did you know that Bitcoin ETFs can be liquidated at any time? All ETFs have the same provisions. In case of any restrictions (e.g. regulations), all Bitcoins can be liquidated and ETF holders refunded in USD.

Therefore, protect your Bitcoin and be more cautious of future product announcements!