Humorous Lao Bao is online. Lao Bao: I haven't spoken to Biden for two years, and I haven't found that he has cognitive decline before.

Lao Bao refuted the claim that the September interest rate cut is related to the US election, but it is closely related. The September interest rate cut plus Trump's coming to power will directly make Bitcoin hit 100,000.

The big bull market is about to come. The second half of the year is the downturn of the AI ​​track. The IO of the AI ​​track looks good. is the largest GPU computing power network in Web3. In the context of global computing power shortage, it has become a popular project for AI and Depin. On June 11, completed the first launch of IO tokens on Binance Launchpool, which received widespread attention and increased the market liquidity and exposure of IO.

With the continuous upgrading of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, IO is expected to build a strong and diversified ecosystem. As the core value delivery medium within the ecosystem, IO tokens will benefit from the growth of the ecosystem. The appreciation of IO tokens has great market prospects. In the future, with the addition of more users and projects, the liquidity and application scenarios of IO tokens will be further improved, bringing valuable returns to holders.

Decentralized infrastructure is an important part of the blockchain and Web3 fields. provides reliable computing services in AI, rendering, and gaming through a unique computing network. The decentralized nature of DePIN makes more secure and resource-efficient.

The success of shows that the DePIN track not only has strong development potential, but will also play an important role in the construction of future Internet infrastructure. With the continuous development of technology and the implementation of application scenarios, the DePIN track is expected to lead the next generation of Internet infrastructure.

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