$WATER coin announced by #ميسي and #رونالدينيو

The currency is a memes currency on the Solana network that is no different from other memes currencies.

Meaning a currency that has no value (in my view) like any other currency, but only Messi and Ronaldinho announced it?

Messi has reported that his account was hacked (I am not convinced)
Ronaldinho did not mention anything, I think it means an explicit announcement and basically he had previously marketed currencies.

Who are they targeting in their advertisement?
They are not targeting traders in the#digital_currencymarket because they often cannot convince them of what they are. They are targeting new people who may have heard about digital currencies but have never entered into them?
Or someone who has never heard of the digital currency market.

This is the target segment.
This is my personal analysis and point of view.

The important thing is that when they announced it, the currency price was affected?
Yes, it increased by nearly 400%.
Now its price has fallen approximately 40% from this peak

Is there a future for the currency?
In my view and personal opinion: No