The Importance of Community Power in Cryptocurrency Investments and Expectations on $LUNA $LUNC $USTC 👉🚦🚦 💰👀

In the cryptocurrency world, community support plays a critical role in the success of a project. In this article, we will examine the claims made about the expected performance of LUNA, LUNC and USTC coins in the near future and the analysis behind these claims. We will also discuss the points that investors should pay attention to.

Community Support and Strength❤️

The value of cryptocurrencies is largely related to the size and activity of their community. The community can have a positive impact on the price by showing their belief and support for the project. In projects that are entirely left to the community, such as LUNA, LUNC and USTC, community support can be a determinant of price movements. This support can manifest itself through social media shares, likes and comments.

👉Expected Rise

Recently, some investors and analysts have suggested that LUNA, LUNC, and USTC coins could experience a significant rise. These claims are based on various analyses:

📌Wallet Analyzes: By monitoring the movements of large investors (whales) in these coins, future price movements are tried to be predicted.

📌Onchain Data: Onchain data provides information about the market by analyzing transactions and movements on the blockchain. This data can show how actively coins are used and investor interest. It seems that there has been an increase recently.

📌Volume and Liquidity Situations: Recently, all 3 coins have approached the bottom levels.

In this regard, an upward trend has been expressed for LUNA, LUNC and USTC in a 2-3 month period. 👍