📉 German government Bitcoin trading latest news: Exchanges return 2,898 bitcoins!

As of 4:15 p.m. EST on Monday, the German government address has received 2,898 bitcoins returned by the exchange, equivalent to about $163 million. These bitcoins mainly come from Coinbase, Kraken and Bitstamp.

🔍 Reason behind:

Steven Zheng, head of research at The Block, said that the exchange is likely to return these bitcoins because they cannot sell them within the target price range. He pointed out: "Considering that some bitcoins have been returned from Coinbase to the German government address, it can be assumed that they are unsold bitcoins and are part of the sales agreement between the cryptocurrency exchange and the country."

📊 Current holdings:

Data shows that the German government currently holds more than $2 billion worth of bitcoin.

📈 Market impact:

This dynamic may have a certain impact on the market and deserves close attention from investors. The exchange's return behavior shows the complexity of Bitcoin price fluctuations and market demand.

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