Market Review and Technical Analysis

Current Price Level

Ethereum is currently oscillating around the 3000 integer mark. A bullish engulfing candlestick is formed on the daily chart, showing the strengthening of the bulls.

Daily Line Analysis

  • Trend analysis: On the daily chart, Ethereum formed a bullish engulfing candlestick, showing strong bullish power.

  • Key points: Today, we will focus on the resistance area of ​​3150-3200. Breaking through this area will further confirm the upward trend.

Four-hour analysis

  • Bollinger Bands: On the four-hour chart, the three lines of the Bollinger Bands are flat, and the price remains in the rising channel of the Bollinger Bands.

  • Key points: The lower support is at 2990 and the upper pressure is at 3100.

  • MACD: Bulls increase volume for the second time, and the fast and slow lines are running below the zero axis, showing the potential of bullish power.

One hour analysis

  • Key points: On the one-hour chart, focus on the fluctuations in the 2920-3080 range.


Comprehensive analysis

Ethereum fluctuates around the 3000 integer mark, and the bullish force is gradually emerging. It is recommended to sell high and buy low between the key support and resistance levels, and the prudent strategy continues to focus on rebound shorting.

Specific strategies

  1. Aggressive strategy: sell high and buy low

    • High selling point: short selling when the price approaches 3080-3100.

    • Low buying point: When the price falls back to 2920-2990, go long.

    • Stop loss point: The high-selling stop loss is set above 3150, and the low-buying stop loss is set below 2900.

    • Target point: The high-selling target is around 2990, and the low-buying target is around 3100.

  2. Robust strategy: shorting on rebound

    • Entry point: When the price rebounds to 3080-3100, arrange short orders.

    • Stop loss point: above 3150.

    • Target point: The first target is 2920. If it continues to fall, it can look to 2850.

In summary, Ethereum is currently fluctuating around the 3000 mark, and bullish forces are gradually emerging. It is recommended to flexibly use the high-sell-low-buy strategy in terms of operation. Conservative investors can continue to pay attention to rebound short selling, pay close attention to market changes, and flexibly adjust strategies to ensure the robustness and security of transactions.

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