Today's highlights

Bitcoin (BTC):

In the intraday trend, the highs of the four-hour level are constantly decreasing. Yesterday, it tried to rush up several times, but failed to stand at 58,000 points at the four-hour level, and only fell back after touching it twice. The market volume is not enough to continue to rush up, resulting in a pullback after rushing to the resistance level. #btc70k

At the four-hour level, it is necessary to pay attention to the support position of the 53,000-54,000 range, and the resistance position is in the 57,000-58,000 range.

If the four-hour level breaks through and stands at 58,000 points, it is necessary to pay attention to the 59,600-60,000 range. This position is the boundary of the daily level downward channel and needs to be defended.

Ethereum (ETH):

At the four-hour level, the double-pin bottom rebound failed to form a strong big V rebound, and only stepped back again after encountering the 3080-3160 resistance range. The pin fluctuations last night were larger than the intraday trend. #ETC正在申请ETF

In the intraday level, you can first look at the resistance of the 3060-3100 range, and the support of the 2800-2920 range to see if it is effective.

Focus on the defense of 2800. If it breaks, you need to pay attention to the big pin defense at 2560-2600 and 2720. #BTC下跌分析 #币安7周年 #ASI代币合并计划

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